Focused towards the fabrication of sheet metal products. Our main priority is to meet the highest customer satisfaction at all times. Simultaneously, we have a mission to produce and supply high quality products to meet fast growing global market requirements.
We strongly believe these are achievable by adopting the following quality policy:
E | Endeavor to supply higih quality products and services upon customer requirement. (Berusaha untuk membekalkan mutu produk dan perkhidmatan yang tinggi atas permintaan pelanggan.) |
S | Systematically ensure quality objectives are established, monitor and review periodically. (Memastikan objektif kualiti didirikan, dikawal, dan diperiksa dengan bersistematik pada waktu yang ditetapkan.) |
A | Apply experienced workforce support by adopting effective ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS). (Menggunakan pekerja yang berpengalaman dan menjalankan ISO 9001 QMS yang berkesan.) |
R | Reclaim any faulty product immediately and be responsible to them. (Membetulkan sebarang produk yang bermasalah dengan segera dan bertanggungjawab terhadapnya.) |
E | Ensure a clean and safe working environment. (Memastikan satu tempat kerja yang bersih dan selamat.) |
K | Keep continually improving the effectiveness of the Quality Management System. (Tidak terhingga membaharui keberkesanan QMS.) |
A | Always propagate reliable company reputation. (Selalu menghebohkan reputasi syarikat yang boleh dipercayai.) |